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Hangman Bible Book Review

(Older Children) Play like hangman but use only the books of the Bible.

Hide and Seek

(Younger Children) Before class hide the books of the Bible written on sheets of paper around the room. (Tape them under chairs and tables, hang them from the ceiling with thread, etc.) On the word go have the children look for the books. When they have all been found have the children work on putting them in order.

Match Game

(Any age) Make two cards each for each book of the Bible you are studying. Turn the cards over and have the children take turns turning two cards over to see if they match. If they match, the child gets to keep the cards. If not, the child turns the cards back over and the next child takes a turn.

Memory Card Game

(Any age) You can also make up a memory game. Write some of the books of the Bible on cards, start with three or four books. Turn over the cards and have the children take turns turning them over. They must first look for the first book in your series. If you are using Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Num. and Deut, they must first find Genesis. If a child finds Genesis, he takes another turn and tries to find Exodus. If he finds Exodus, he can take another turn and try to find Leviticus. He keeps turning over cards until he gets one out of order. He must then turn all the cards back over. Don’t mix up the cards. The other children should be watching carefully so they can remember where the cards are. Keep playing until a child can turn over all the cards in order. For younger children, to make it a little easier, color code the cards, make each card a different color and make a sample of all the cards in order so your children know what they are looking for. You can read the cards for them as they turn them over. They will be learning the books when they hear you saying them over and over.



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A short message about talking to your kids and link to CDC website.