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Based on Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24, and John 20

One evening, Jesus went with His disciples to pray in a garden outside the city of Jerusalem.

Suddenly a group of soldiers came. They arrested Jesus and took Him away.

Jesus was condemned to die, even though He had done nothing wrong. Jesus died as a gift of His love for each one of us.

After Jesus died, His body was buried in a tomb.
A big stone was rolled in front of the entrance of the tomb. Two soldiers stood in front of Jesus’ grave to guard it.

But the story doesn’t end there: Three days later a wonderful miracle happened. Angels appeared and rolled away the stone!

The soldiers were afraid and ran away.

Some women who were Jesus’ friends came to visit Jesus’ tomb.

But when they looked inside the tomb, Jesus’ body was gone!

“Do not be afraid,” the angels told them. “Jesus is not here. He has risen from the dead!”

Jesus’ friends were so happy! They quickly went away to tell the disciples.

When Peter and John heard the news, they didn’t know what to think, so they ran to the tomb.

To their amazement, the tomb was empty! Where is Jesus? they wondered.

Peter and John went back to their house, but Mary Magdalene stayed at the tomb crying. She missed Jesus. “Why are you crying?” a man asked.

Mary Magdalene thought it was the gardener. She asked him, “Where have you taken Jesus? Please tell me.”

“Mary,” Jesus said. “It is Me. Go and tell the others that I am alive!” Mary Magdalene was so happy to see Jesus!

She ran as fast as she could to tell the others the good news that Jesus had come back to life.

Later that evening the disciples were gathered together ...when suddenly Jesus appeared to them!

Jesus stayed with the disciples for a while and taught them many things. They were happy to have Jesus with them again.

Soon Jesus needed to return to His Father in heaven. He told His disciples, “Go and tell everyone in the world the good news about Me.”

“And don’t worry,” Jesus added. “I will always be with you in spirit!”

Then, right before their eyes, Jesus returned to heaven to be with His Father—God!

Every Easter we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, and the wonderful gift of salvation Jesus gave us through His death. Jesus lives!

The end



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