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Ephesians 6:13-18

The Belt of Truth: The belt worn by a roman soldier was important because it firmly secured the soldier's weapons needed to fight. If we are to stand up to evil, we must be firmly secured by the truth that is found only in Jesus. 

The Breastplate of Righteousness: The typical Roman soldier wore a protective covering to cover the vital organs, like the heart, the lungs, liver, etc. If any of these were injured, the life of the soldier would be in serious jeopardy. If we try to do battle over Satan's enemies with only our own righteousness, we will never win. We need a righteousness that comes from our Savior. 

Feet with the Gospel of Peace: To do battle, a soldier must be prepared to go, and good strong sandals were absolutely necessary. Likewise, before we can do battle, we must be prepared, but our preparation comes from the Gospel. The Gospel is the good news about Jesus, and through it we can tell others how they can have peace with God. 

The Shield of Faith: The shield protected the Roman soldier from arrows and sword blows. Our spiritual enemies are constantly throwing arrows and thrusting swords towards us. The best way to deflect these blows is with the shield of faith. When we hold on to our shield, when we hold firm to our faith in Jesus, we can go forth boldly. 

The Helmet of Salvation: An essential item for a soldier's survival. The helmet protects the head of the soldier, where there is the mind and spirit. Our salvation comes from Jesus, and it is a lasting protection until the day we are with Him in heaven. 

The Sword of the Spirit: The Roman sword was short and lightweight so they could use it easily. At close range, it was a deadly weapon. The sword of the spirit represents the Word of God. The Word of God is a powerful weapon, especially when used under the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.




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