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Read Luke 19:1-10 (NIRV) aloud:

There was a rich man named Zacchaeus who was a tax collector. Tax collectors got money from the people to give to the king. Some tax collectors were dishonest and took more money than they should from the people. They would keep the extra money for themselves. Zacchaeus was not an honest tax collector. He probably did not have very many friends because of the way he treated people.

One day, Zacchaeus heard that Jesus was in town. He was curious about Jesus and wanted to see Him. Crowds of people already had gathered as Jesus walked down the street. Zacchaeus was not very tall, so he could not see above the people’s heads. He decided to run ahead and climb up into a tree so he could watch as Jesus passed.

Zacchaeus found a nice large sycamore tree, climbed up the tree and waited for Jesus to come down the street. Zacchaeus watched as Jesus got closer. Suddenly, Jesus stopped right under the tree where Zacchaeus was sitting! Jesus looked up at Zacchaeus and said, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down because I am coming to your house today.” Many people around said, “Why would He go to the home of someone who is dishonest and unkind?” However, Jesus wanted Zacchaeus to know how much He loved him.

Zacchaeus quickly came down out of the tree and took Jesus to his home. Zacchaeus saw the love and kindness Jesus showed to him that day. He was sorry he had taken more money from the people than he should have taken. Zacchaeus told Jesus, “I will give back to the people more money than I took.” That day Zacchaeus chose to be a follower of Jesus.


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noah’s ark

Sometimes we have to stand up and do what God asks us to do even when those around us think it doesn’t make sense. Lets talk about Noah.



Doe’s God hear us when we pray? Let’s about it.



What happens when we try to run away from God?

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What happens when you have the courage to stand up when no one else has the courage? Find out.



Want to learn more about the armor of God? Watch it here.



Did you miss our Easter Sunday Children’s Church lesson? Check it out here.



Did you miss our Palm Sunday Children’s Church lesson? Check it out here.


The disciples

Did you miss last weeks lesson?

Join us as we talk about The Disciples and what it means to be a Disciples of Christ.


Books of the bible

Did you miss last weeks lesson?

Join us as we learn the books of the Bible.